Wiser: A Personalized Product Recommendations App For Your Ecommerce Store

Display Product recommendations should be a priority when you are setting up your Shopify store. But, How do you ensure your recommendations are visible enough to get shoppers to check them out? 

Wiser can help you with this. Wiser is one of the most recommended Shopify apps which allows you to set up highly relevant product recommendations on the storefront, product pages, and the cart. Or you can say that Wiser Personalized Recommendations elements are designed to present recommended product widgets to upsell and cross-sell your products and ultimately increase your store conversion rate.


These personalized and relevant recommendations ensure that the shopper doesn’t drop off from your store after viewing a product. Wiser uses your customer's activity history to set up recommendations while they browse your Shopify store, creating opportunities to convert them.

 Create Conversion Opportunities With Widgets

Wiser offers a number of product recommendation widgets to Shopify stores. Let's discuss some powerful widget provided by Wiser.

1. Recently Viewed Products: The widget allows you to show products that the shopper last looked at, simplifying product recall. Use their browsing history to increase the chances of bagging a new purchase.
                           recently viewed product recommendations wiser

2. New Arrivals: New Arrivals’ widget displays the newest products on your Shopify store. With this widget, you can inform shoppers about products that you just released on your store.


3. Featured Products: Display the ‘Featured Products’ widget on your storefront to increase visibility. The ‘Featured Products’ widget is a recommendation widget with products that you want your shoppers to notice more.

4. Trending Products:
 Place this widget on your storefronts and show bestsellers on your Shopify store and build more credibility.  The Trending Products widget shows your product’s popularity, hyping it to shoppers, and increasing sales.

5. Related Products: Show products from similar collections, product types, and tags to provide positive browsing experience on your Shopify store. You can place this widget on your product page where the shopper can continue looking at product recommendations.

related product recommendations

6. Top-Selling Products: With this widget, you can inform new visitors about products they are sure to love. The ‘Top-Selling Products’ widget makes it easier for your shoppers to learn what’s best on your Shopify store.

inspired by browsing product recommendations

Features of Wiser ‑ Personalized Product Recommendations & Upsell
  • Multiple recommendations widgets in a single app
  • The automatic setup process, no manual work required
  • In-Depth Analytics system to show sales made by the app widgets
  • Allows to show recommendations on Thankyou page too
  • Allows showing recommendations on all pages of the store including cart pages too.

Ready To Boost Revenue by Personalized Recommendations !!

You can set up personalized recommendations for your shoppers on your Shopify store to let them find products that they were previously interested in and products related to what they are looking at.
Personalized recommendations are a powerful way to nudge shoppers to make purchases. With Wiser, you can set up product recommendations on your Shopify store, choosing dynamic product recommendations based on products the shopper is looking at. So without wasting time Engage your shoppers better and increase the sales of your store.


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